October 30, 2023

Get ready for the Buen Fin 2023: An e-commerce guide

Published By
Renata Raya
Reading Time
1 minute

Buen Fin, one of the strongest seasons for e-commerce offers and promotions, is about to arrive. The Buen Fin is a collaboration between the Mexican government, commercial associations, and companies with the purpose of boosting sales and supporting consumers. During this period, the use of different payment methods is promoted, such as credit and debit cards, as well as monthly or installment payments. Last year, sales were reported at 134.4 billion pesos and an average ticket of $7,700 per user. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the season.

Before the Buen Fin 2023 begins

It is essential to create expectations among your audience. This can be achieved by placing banners, banners, banners, short videos and logos announcing the arrival of the event. 

It is also important to build trust in your site, this can be achieved with reviewsYou can do this with reviews, active social networks, chat or Whatsapp so that your customers can contact you if they have any questions about your product or service. 

Check that everything is working at 100% as you will be expecting much more traffic than at other times of the year.

During the Buen Fin

You must stand out in this competition of offers and promotions, consider offering an exclusive experience. Create VIP lists that allow your customers to get trial products or items that are not yet available in your e-commerce. This will capture their attention and create loyalty between your brand and your customers.

Another effective strategy is kitting, which facilitatescross-selling and moves inventory that could be sitting idle. It also allows companies to amortize discounts by combining two or more items.

Stay active and close to your customers. You must constantly update your content, refresh your website and provide exceptional customer service. This is especially important for new online shoppers.

Rotating promotions progressively is essential to keep consumers' attention throughout the week. 

Consider offering free shipping starting at a certain purchase amount, which will differentiate you from the competition.

Offering flexible and free refund policies, to the extent that your company allows, is another important factor in gaining customer trust and encouraging online purchases.

Don't forget to take advantage of the Buen Fin brand, which is recognized by most Mexicans as a prestigious brand. This can increase web traffic and visibility of your brand.

After the end of the Buen Fin 2023

Don't forget your new customers. Send a review request to find out how your customer did with their purchase and how you can improve on the next edition. 

Consider creating retargeting campaigns for future interactions. Not all customers make purchases during Buen Fin week, but they may do so in the future.

If you follow this guide it will help you prepare for this season of offers and you will surely have an increase in sales tickets, increase in sales and you will have new customers. The Buen Fin 2023 promises to be a unique opportunity that you should not miss, remember it's on Friday, November 17 and ends on Monday, November 20!